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3M MDS100 96 x 0.2ml
Abbott m2000rt 96 x 0.2ml
AcuGen Systems AG-9600 thermal station 96 x 0.2ml
Agilent SureCycler 8800 thermal cycler 384 microplate
Agilent SureCycler 8800 thermal cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Agilent Technologies AriaDx Realtime PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Agilent Technologies AriaMx Realtime PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Agilent Technologies Cary Series UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 6x6 Multicell Block Peltier
AITbiotech abCycler 96 x 0.2ml
AITbiotech abCyclerQ 96 x 0.2ml
Allsheng Instruments MK2000-1 96 x 0.2ml
Allsheng Instruments MK2000-2 35 x 1.5ml
Allsheng Instruments TDH-500 Hybridization System 12 Slides
Amplitherm TX25 25 x 0.2ml
Amplitherm TX96 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena Alpha SC 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena Alpha SC 48-96 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena Alpha SC 48-96 96 x 20µl
Analytik-Jena Alpha SC 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena Alpha SC 96 x 20µl
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler Monoblock 384
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler Monoblock 60 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler Monoblock 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler Twinblock 30 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler Twinblock 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler Twinblock Mix 30 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler Twinblock Mix 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler2 30 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler2 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler2 48-18 18 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler2 48-18 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena FlexCycler2 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena qTower 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena qTower 96 x 20µl
Analytik-Jena qTOWER³ 84 384-well
Analytik-Jena qTOWER³ 84 auto 384-well
Analytik-Jena qTOWER³ touch 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena SpeedCycler 36 36 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena SpeedCycler 96 384-well
Analytik-Jena SpeedCycler² 36 x 20µl
Analytik-Jena SpeedCycler² 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena SpeedCycler² 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena SpeedCycler² 96 x 20µl
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced 384 384-well
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced 384 G 384-well
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced 60 60 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced 60 G 60 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced 96 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced 96 G 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced 96 S 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced 96 SG 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced Twin 30 30 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 G 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra Thermoshaker TSC 24 x 2.0 ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TOne 96 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TOne 96G 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional 384-well
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional 60 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Basic 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Basic Gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Basic Gradient XL96 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Basic XL96 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Gradient 60 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Standard 384-well
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Standard 60 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Standard 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Standard Gradient 60 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Standard Gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Standard Gradient SL 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional Standard SL 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional TRIO 30 30 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional TRIO 48 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional TRIO Combi 48-18 18 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TProfessional TRIO Combi 48-18 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TRIO 30 30 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TRIO 48 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TRIO Combi 48-18 18 x 0.5ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TRIO Combi 48-18 48 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TRobot II 384 G 384-well
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TRobot II 96 G 96 x 0.2ml
Analytik-Jena - Biometra TRobot II 96 SG 96 x 0.2ml
Apollo ATC201 96-48 48 x 0.5ml
Apollo ATC201 96-48 96 x 0.2ml
Apollo ATC401 384 microplate
Apollo ATC401 48 x 0.5ml
Apollo ATC401 96 x 0.2ml
Apollo ATC701 384 microplate
Apollo ATC701 48 x 0.5ml
Apollo ATC701 96 x 0.2ml
Apollo ATC801 384 microplate
Apollo ATC801 48 x 0.5ml
Apollo ATC801 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems 7300 Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml Fast
Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml Standard
Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System 384-well
Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml Fast
Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml Standard
Applied Biosystems 9800 Fast Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems ABI PRISM 7000 SDS 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems ABI PRISM 7700 SDS 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems Automated Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 2400 24 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 2700 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 2720 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 480 48 x 0.5ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 5700 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9600 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700 60 x 0.5ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700 Dual 384-Well 384 microplate
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700 Dual 96-Well 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700 Aluminum 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700 Gold 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems MiniAmp Plus Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems MiniAmp Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems ProFlex™ PCR System 32 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems ProFlex™ PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems ProFlex™ PCR System Dual 384-Well 384 microplate
Applied Biosystems ProFlex™ PCR System Dual 96-Well 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 1 Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 12k Flex 384-well
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 12k Flex 96 x 0.1ml Fast
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 12k Flex 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.1ml Fast
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System 384-well
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.1ml Fast
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 6 Flex 384-well
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 6 Flex 96 x 0.1ml Fast
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 6 Flex 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 6 PRO Real-Time PCR System 384-well
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 6 PRO Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.1ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 6 PRO Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 7 Flex 384-well
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 7 Flex 96 x 0.1ml Fast
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 7 Flex 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 7 PRO Real-Time PCR System 384-well
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 7 PRO Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.1ml
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio™ 7 PRO Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems SimpliAmp™ 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.1ml
Applied Biosystems StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System 48 x 0.1ml
Applied Biosystems VeritiPro™ 384-Well Thermal Cycler 384 microplate
Applied Biosystems VeritiPro™ 96-Well Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems VeritiPro™ Dx 96-Well Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems Veriti™ 384-Well Thermal Cycler 384 microplate
Applied Biosystems Veriti™ 60-Well Thermal Cycler 60 x 0.5ml
Applied Biosystems Veriti™ 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.1ml
Applied Biosystems Veriti™ 96-Well Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems Veriti™ Dx 384-Well Thermal Cycler 384 microplate
Applied Biosystems Veriti™ Dx 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.1ml
Applied Biosystems Veriti™ Dx 96-Well Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System 384-well
Applied Biosystems ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Applied Biosystems ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System Fast 96 x 0.1ml
Appligene Crocodile III 54 x 0.2ml
Astec GeneAtlas 322 32 x 0.2ml
Astec GeneAtlas Economy E02 96 x 0.2ml
Astec GeneAtlas Gradient G02 96 x 0.2ml
Astec GeneAtlas Standard S02 96 x 0.2ml
Astec PC-320 32 x 0.2ml
Astec PC-708-02 48 x 0.2ml
Astec PC-808 96 x 0.2ml
Astec PC-818 96 x 0.2ml
Atila Biosystems PowerGene 9600 Plus Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Axygen® MaxyGene™ II 96 x 0.2ml
Azure biosystems Cielo 3 Real Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Azure biosystems Cielo 6 Real Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Barloworld Scientific Ltd SBH130D/3 20 x 1.5ml
Barnstead Thermolyne Amplitron I 96 x 0.2ml
Barnstead Thermolyne Amplitron II 48 x 0.5ml
Barnstead Thermolyne Amplitron II 96 x 0.2ml
BD Pre-warm Heater 48 x 10ml
BD max™ System 24 cartridge
Beckman Coulter Unicel DxC600 Synchron 125 Cuvets
Beckman Coulter Unicel DxC700 Synchron 165 Cuvets
Benchmark Scientific Digital Dry Bath, dual position 20 x 2ml
Benchmark Scientific Digital Dry Bath, dual position 24 x 1.5ml
Benchmark Scientific Digital Dry Bath, single position 96 x 0.2ml
Benchmark Scientific MultiTherm Shaker 20-15 15 x 0.5ml
Benchmark Scientific MultiTherm Shaker 20-15 20 x 1.5ml
Benchmark Scientific MultiTherm Shaker 35 x 2ml
Benchmark Scientific myBlock II Digital Dry Bath 24 x 1.5ml
Benchmark Scientific myBlock Mini Dry Bath 40 x 0.2ml
Benchmark Scientific TC9639 384-well
Benchmark Scientific TC9639 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
Benchmark Scientific TC9639 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
Biocycler MJ96 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer GeneExplorer GE-48D 48 x 0.2ml
Bioer GeneExplorer GE-96G 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer GenePro B-3048 30-48 30 x 0.5ml
Bioer GenePro B-3048 30-48 48 x 0.2ml
Bioer GenePro B-384G 384 microplate
Bioer GenePro B-48D 48 x 0.2ml
Bioer GenePro B-96G 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer GeneQ TC-18/H(b) 18 x 0.5ml
Bioer GeneQ TC-24/H(b) 24 x 0.2ml
Bioer GeneTouch B-3084UA 30-48 30 x 0.5ml
Bioer GeneTouch™ Thermal Cycler 384 microplate
Bioer GeneTouch™ Thermal Cycler 48 x 0.2ml
Bioer GeneTouch™ Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer Life ECO Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer Life Express TC-48/H(t) 48 x 0.2ml
Bioer Life Express TC-48/T/H(a) 48 x 0.5ml
Bioer Life Express TC-96/T/H(a) 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer LifePro TC-96/G/H(b)A 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer LifeTouch TC-96/G/H(b)B 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer Line-Gene 9600 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer Line-Gene FQD-33A 33 x 0.2ml
Bioer Line-Gene II FQD-66A 66 x 0.2ml
Bioer Line-Gene K FQD-48A 48 x 0.2ml
Bioer Little Genius TC-16/H 16 x 0.5ml
Bioer Little Genius TC-24/H 24 x 0.2ml
Bioer Little Genius TC-25/H 25 x 0.2ml
Bioer QuantGene 9600 96 x 0.2 ml
Bioer Thermocell Cooling & Heating Block CHB-202 40 x 1.5ml
Bioer Thermocell Cooling & Heating Block CHB-202 40 x 2.0ml
Bioer ThermoCell Heating Block HB-202 40 x 1.5ml
Bioer ThermoCell Heating Block HB-202 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer ThermoCell Mixing Block MB-102 40 x 1.5ml
Bioer ThermoCell Mixing Block MB-102 40 x 2.0ml
Bioer ThermoQ Metal Bath CHB-T2 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer ThermoUnit Heating Block HB-100 40-28 28 x 0.5ml
Bioer ThermoUnit Heating Block HB-100 40-28 40 x 1.5ml
Bioer XPcycler TC-XP-A 96 x 0.2ml
Bioer XPcycler TC-XP-B 60 x 0.5ml
Bioer XPcycler TC-XP-C 30 x 0.5ml
Bioer XPcycler TC-XP-D 48 x 0.2ml
Bioer XPcycler TC-XP-E 48-30 30 x 0.5ml
Bioer XPcycler TC-XP-E 48-30 48 x 0.2ml
Bioer XPcycler TC-XP-F 384 microplate
Bioer XPcycler TC-XP-G 96 x 0.2ml
Biomérieux GENE-UP 96 x 0.2ml Fast
Bioneer Exicycler 96 96 x 0.2ml
Bioneer MyGenie 32 Thermal Block 32 x 0.2ml
Bioneer MyGenie 96 Gradient Thermal Block 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories C1000 384-Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories C1000 96-Deep Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories C1000 96-Well Fast
Bio-Rad Laboratories C1000 Dual 48/48 Fast
Bio-Rad Laboratories C1000 Touch 384-Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories C1000 Touch 96-Deep Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories C1000 Touch 96-Well Fast
Bio-Rad Laboratories C1000 Touch Dual 48/48 Fast
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX Duet Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX384 Opus 384 microplate
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX384 Real-Time PCR Detection System 384 microplate
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX96 Connect Real-Time PCR Detection System 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX96 Connect Real-Time PCR Detection System 96-Deep Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX96 Opus 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX96 Opus Deepwell 96-Deep Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System 96-Deep Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad Disciple 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad Disciple 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad Disciple 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad Disciple 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad Disciple 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Dyad Disciple Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Tetrad 2 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Tetrad 2 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Tetrad 2 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Tetrad 2 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Tetrad 2 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories DNA Engine Tetrad 2 Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories GeneCycler 12 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories GeneCycler 24 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories iCycler 384 microplate
Bio-Rad Laboratories iCycler 48 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories iCycler 60 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories iCycler 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories iQ Real-Time PCR 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories iQ5 Real-Time PCR 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories MiniOpticon 48-12 48 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories MJ Mini 48-12 12 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories MJ Mini 48-12 48 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories MyCycler 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories MyiQ Real-Time PCR 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories MyiQ2 Real-Time PCR 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories Opticon 2 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories PTC Tempo 48/48 Thermal Cycler 48/48-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories PTC Tempo 96 Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories PTC Tempo Deepwell Thermal Cycler 96-Deep Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories PTC-100 60 x 0.5ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories PTC-100 96 x 0.2ml
Bio-Rad Laboratories S1000 384-Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories S1000 96-Deep Well
Bio-Rad Laboratories S1000 96-Well Fast
Bio-Rad Laboratories S1000 Dual 48/48 Fast
Bio-Rad Laboratories T100 96 x 0.2ml
Biosan Ltd. TS-100 Thermo-Shaker 20 x 1.5ml
Biosan Ltd. TS-100 Thermo-Shaker 20 x 2ml
Biosan Ltd. TS-100 Thermo-Shaker 20-12 12 x 1.5ml
Biosan Ltd. TS-100 Thermo-Shaker 20-12 20 x 0.2ml
Biosan Ltd. TS-100 Thermo-Shaker 20-12 20 x 0.5ml
Biosan Ltd. TS-100 Thermo-Shaker 24 x 2ml
Biosan Ltd. TS-100 Thermo-Shaker 96 x 0.2ml
Biosystems A200 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
Biosystems A200 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
Biosystems MJ96+ 96 x 0.2ml
BIOTECON Diagnostics Dualo 32® R2 32 wells LP (4 x 8 )
Blue-Ray Biotech TurboCycler 2 TCST-9622 96 x 0.2ml
Blue-Ray Biotech TurboCycler Lite TCLT-9610 96 x 0.2ml
Blue-Ray Biotech TurboCycler TCST-9610 96 x 0.2ml
Blue-Ray Biotech TurboCycler TCST-9620 96 x 0.2ml
Boeco TC-PRO 3048 30-48 30 x 0.5ml
Boeco TC-PRO 3048 30-48 48 x 0.2ml
Boeco TC-PRO 384G 384 microplate
Boeco TC-PRO 48D 48 x 0.2ml
Boeco TC-PRO 96G 96 x 0.2ml
Boekel Scientific Digital Dry Bath Incubator 113002 96 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio GenePro™ Thermal Cycler 30-48 30 x 0.5ml
Bulldog Bio GenePro™ Thermal Cycler 30-48 48 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio GenePro™ Thermal Cycler 384-well
Bulldog Bio GenePro™ Thermal Cycler 48 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio GenePro™ Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio GeneQ™ Thermal Cycler 24 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio GeneTouch™ Thermal Cycler 30-48 30 x 0.5ml
Bulldog Bio GeneTouch™ Thermal Cycler 30-48 48 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio GeneTouch™ Thermal Cycler 384-well
Bulldog Bio GeneTouch™ Thermal Cycler 48 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio GeneTouch™ Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio LifePro™ Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Bulldog Bio LifeTouch™ Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
CAT Thermoshaker SH26.4 12 x 2.0ml
Cellmedia Thermoschüttler basic 96 x 0.2ml
Cepheid SmartCycler ® System 16 reaction sites
Cepheid SmartCycler ® System 8 reaction sites
Chai Biotechnologies Inc. OpenQPCR Dual Channel 16 x 0.2ml
Chai Biotechnologies Inc. OpenQPCR Single Channel 8 x 0.2ml
Clemens GmbH Primus 25 25 x 0.2ml
Clontech CronoSTAR96 96 x 0.2ml
Clontech PCR Thermal Cycler GP - WN400 96 x 0.2ml
Corbett Research FTS 60 60 x 0.5ml
Corbett Research FTS 96 96 x 0.2ml
Corbett Research FTS A 60 60 x 0.5ml
Corbett Research FTS A 96 96 x 0.2ml
Corbett Research Palm-Cycler 384 microplate
Corbett Research Palm-Cycler 60 x 0.5ml
Corbett Research Palm-Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Corbett Research PC 60 60 x 0.5ml
Corbett Research PC 96 96 x 0.2ml
Corbett Research Rotor-Gene 6000 Rotor
Corning Life Sciences LSE Digital Dry Bath 20 x 1.5ml
Corning Life Sciences LSE Digital Dry Bath 24 x 1.5ml
Corning Life Sciences LSE Digital Dry Bath 96 x 1 ml
Coyote Bioscience Mini8 Real-Time PCR 8 x 0.2ml
Coyote Bioscience Theater Slim PCR Cycler 16 x 0.2ml
CYCLERtest BV Prototype 8 x 0.2ml 8 x 0.2ml
Daan Diagnostics Ltd. SLAN Real Time PCR Detection System 48 x 0.2ml
Developper Device under developper test DUDT 4 x 8 0.1 ml and/or 0.2
Developper Device under developper test DUDT_PCR 4 x 8 0.1 ml and/or 0.2
Ditabis MKR 13 24 x 1.5ml
DLAB Accurate 16-T 16 x 0.2 ml
DLAB Accurate 96 96 x 0.1 ml
DLAB TC1000-G 96 x 0.2ml
DLAB TC1000-S 96 x 0.2ml
DNA Technologies Tercic 4 blocks 12 x 0.5ml
DNA Technology DTlite Real-Time PCR System 48 x 0.2ml
DNA Technology DTprime (DT-96) 96 x 0.2ml
DNA Technology TC 9443 32 x 0.2ml
Douglas Scientific Proto 768-Well
DuPont Qualicon BAX Dry Block Heater 20 x 2ml
DuPont Qualicon BAX Dry Block Heater 48 x 1.2ml
DuPont Qualicon BAX QTC-1200 96 x 0.2ml
DuPont Qualicon BAX System Q7 96 x 0.2ml
Duxford SK1202D 20 x 2ml
eENZYME GenePro Thermal Cycler 30 x 0.5ml
eENZYME GenePro Thermal Cycler 384 microplate
eENZYME GenePro Thermal Cycler 48 x 0.2ml
eENZYME GenePro Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
eENZYME GeneQ Personal Themal Cycler 24 x 0.2ml
eENZYME LifeExpress B-96D 96 x 0.2ml
eENZYME LifeExpress TC-48 48 x 0.2ml
eENZYME LifeExpress TC-96 96 x 0.2ml
eENZYME MyGene MG-96 Gradient Thermal Cycler 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
eENZYME MyGene MG-96 Gradient Thermal Cycler 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
eENZYME MyGene MG-96 Thermal Cycler 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
eENZYME MyGene MG-96 Thermal Cycler 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd. Loopamp LA-200 8 x 0.2ml
Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd. Loopamp LA-500 8 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler 384 Microplate 384 Microplate
Eppendorf Mastercycler ep 384 microplate
Eppendorf Mastercycler ep gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler ep gradient Silver 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler ep realplex 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler ep realplex Silver 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler gradient 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler gradient 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus eco 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus gradient eco 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus GSX1 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus GSX1e 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus GX2 64 - 32 (32 x 0.2ml)
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus GX2 64 - 32 (64 x 0.2ml)
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus GX2e 64 - 32 (32 x 0.2ml)
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus GX2e 64 - 32 (64 x 0.2ml)
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus SX1 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus SX1e 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus X2 45 - 19 (19 x 0.5ml)
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus X2 45 - 19 (45 x 0.5ml)
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus X2 64 - 32 (32 x 0.2ml)
Eppendorf Mastercycler nexus X2 64 - 32 (64 x 0.2ml)
Eppendorf Mastercycler Personal 25-16 16 x 0.5ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler Personal 25-16 25 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler pro 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler pro 384 384 microplate
Eppendorf Mastercycler pro S 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler X40 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler X50a 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler X50h 384 Microplate
Eppendorf Mastercycler X50i 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler X50l 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler X50s 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Mastercycler X50t 384 Microplate
Eppendorf Thermomixer 5350 24 x 2.0ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer 5436 24 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer 5437 24 x 2ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer C 24 x 0.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer C 24 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer C 24 x 2ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer C 384-well
Eppendorf Thermomixer C 4 x 50ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer C 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort 20 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort 24 x 0.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort 24 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort 24 x 2ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort 8 x 15ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer compact 24 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer F1.5 24 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer F2.0 24 x 2.0ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer R 20 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer R 24 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer R 24 x 2ml
Eppendorf Thermomixer R 96 x 0.2ml
Eppendorf Thermostat 5320 24 x 2.0ml
Eppendorf ThermoStat C 24 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf ThermoStat C 24 x 2ml
Eppendorf ThermoStat plus 24 x 0.5ml
Eppendorf ThermoStat plus 24 x 1.5ml
Eppendorf ThermoStat plus 24 x 2ml
Eppendorf ThermoStat plus 96 x 0.2ml
Ericom Deltacycler I 60 x 0.5ml
Ericom Deltacycler I 96 x 0.2ml
Ericom Deltacycler II 60 x 0.5ml
Ericom Deltacycler II 96 x 0.2ml
Esco Aeris™ 384-microplate
Esco Aeris™ 48-30 30 x 0.5ml
Esco Aeris™ 48-30 48 x 0.2ml
Esco Aeris™ 48-48 48 x 0.2ml
Esco Aeris™ 96 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ Maxi 30 x 0.5ml
Esco Swift™ Maxi 384 microplate
Esco Swift™ Maxi 48 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ Maxi 48-30 30 x 0.5ml
Esco Swift™ Maxi 48-30 48 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ Maxi 60 x 0.5ml
Esco Swift™ Maxi 96 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ Maxi 96 x 0.2ml gradient
Esco Swift™ MaxPro 384-wells
Esco Swift™ MaxPro 48-30 30 x 0.5ml
Esco Swift™ MaxPro 48-30 48 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ MaxPro 48-48 48 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ MaxPro 96 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ Mini 16 x 0.5ml
Esco Swift™ Mini 25 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ MiniPro 18 x 0.5ml
Esco Swift™ MiniPro 24 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ Spectrum 48 Real Time 48 x 0.2ml
Esco Swift™ Spectrum 96 Real Time 96 x 0.2ml
EuroClone One Advanced 96 x 0.2ml
EuroClone One Gradient 96 x 0.2ml
EuroClone One Personal 25 x 0.2ml
EuroClone peqSTAR 2X 48 x 0.2ml
EuroClone peqSTAR 384 HPL 384 microplate
EuroClone peqSTAR 384 ML 384 microplate
EuroClone peqSTAR 96 HPL 96 x 0.2ml
EuroClone peqSTAR 96 ML 96 x 0.2ml
EuroClone peqSTAR 96 Universal 96 x 0.2ml
Falc TAI 20 P1 20 x 1.5ml
Falc Thermoblock Analog 20 x 1.5ml
Finnzymes Instruments Piko™ 24-well 24-wells
Finnzymes Instruments Piko™ 96-well 96-wells
Finnzymes Instruments TCA0096 Arktik 96 x 0.2ml
Finnzymes Instruments TCA0384 Arktik 384
Finnzymes Instruments TCA4848 Arktik 2 x 48 x 0.2ml
Fisher Scientific Bioblock 24 x 1.5ml
Fisher Scientific Fisherbrand Isotem Digital Dry Bath 28 x 2 ml
Fisher Scientific Fisherbrand Isotem Digital Dry Bath 30 x 0.5ml
Fisher Scientific Single block dry bath FB15101 96 x 0.2ml
Fisher Scientific Single block dry bath FB15103 24 x 1.5ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS1 384 microplate
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS1 48 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS1 96 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS1 96-48 48 x 0.5ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS1 96-48 96 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS2 384 microplate
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS2 96 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS4 384 microplate
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS4 48 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS4 96 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS4 96-48 48 x 0.5ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS4 96-48 96 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GS4822 48 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GSX 384 microplate
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GSX 48 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GSX 96 x 0.2ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GSX 96-48 48 x 0.5ml
Gene Technologies Ltd. G-Storm GSX 96-48 96 x 0.2ml
GMI Nyx Technik Amplitronyx A6 384 microplate
GMI Nyx Technik Amplitronyx A6 54 x 0.5ml
GMI Nyx Technik Amplitronyx A6 96 x 0.2ml
GNAcode Minicube PCR 16 x 0.2ml
Grant Bio BTD 49 well 24 x 1.5ml
Grant Bio Grant QBD1 24 x 1.5ml
Grant Bio Grant QBD2 24 x 1.5ml
Grant Bio Grant QBD4 24 x 1.5ml
Grant Bio Grant QBD4 24 x 2.0ml
Grant Bio Grant QBT2 24 x 1.5ml
Grant Bio Grant UBD1 24 x 0.5ml
Grant Bio Grant UBD2 24 x 0.5ml
Grant Bio Grant UBD2 24 x 1.5ml
Grant Bio PCH-1 20-12 12 x 1.5ml
Grant Bio PCH-1 20-12 20 x 0.5ml
Grant Bio PHMP Thermoshaker 96 x 0.2ml
Grant Bio PHMP4 Thermoshaker 96 x 0.2ml
Grant Bio PHMT 20-12 12 x 1.5ml
Grant Bio PHMT 20-12 20 x 0.5ml
Grant Bio PHMT 24 x 1.5ml
Grant-Boekel BBD2 48 x 0.5ml
Hach LT200 6 x 13 - 4 x 20 well
Hain-LIFESCIENCE FluoroCycler 12 12 x 0.2ml
Hain-LIFESCIENCE FluoroCycler 96 96 x 0.2ml
Hain-LIFESCIENCE GTQ-Cycler 24 24 x 0.2ml
Hain-LIFESCIENCE GTQ-Cycler 96 96 x 0.2ml
Hain-LIFESCIENCE TwinCubator 12 x 1.0ml
Hain-LIFESCIENCE TwinCubator 24 x 0.5ml
Hain-RESEARCH FluoroCycler 96R 96 x 0.2ml
Hain-RESEARCH Q-Cycler 24 24 x 0.2ml
Hain-RESEARCH Q-Cycler 48 48 x 0.2ml
Hain-RESEARCH Q-Cycler 96 96 x 0.2ml
Hain-RESEARCH Q-Cycler 96+ 96 x 0.2ml
Hain-RESEARCH Q-Sat 48 48 x 0.2ml
Hain-RESEARCH Q-Sat 96 96 x 0.2ml
Hangzhou Bio-Gener Technology Co., Ltd Gene Test Series Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Hangzhou Bio-Gener Technology Co., Ltd Gene-Explorer Touch GE9612T 96 x 0.2ml
Hangzhou Jingle Scientific Instrument Co.,LTD. KF960-A 96 x 0.2ml
Hangzhou Jingle Scientific Instrument Co.,LTD. KF960-B 54 x 0.5ml
Hangzhou Jingle Scientific Instrument Co.,LTD. KF960-C 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
Hangzhou Jingle Scientific Instrument Co.,LTD. KF960-C 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
Hangzhou Jingle Scientific Instrument Co.,LTD. KF960-D 384-well
Hangzhou LifeReal Biotechnology Co., Ltd QuantReady 9600 96 x 0.2ml
Helena Biosciences Phoenix Thermal Cycler 40 x 0.5ml
Helena Biosciences Phoenix Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Helena Biosciences Proteus Thermal Cycler 20 x 0.5ml
Helena Biosciences Proteus Thermal Cycler 25 x 0.2ml
Hercuvan Gradient Touch Thermal Cycler 2 x 48 x 0.2 ml
Hercuvan Gradient Touch Thermal Cycler 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
Hettich Benelux Laboratory Equipment Basic Double-Block Thermostat TH 21 96-Well Round bottom Microtiter
Hettich Benelux Laboratory Equipment Heating Thermo Shaker MHR 13 24 x 1.5ml
Hettich Benelux Laboratory Equipment Heating Thermo Shaker MHR 13 96 x 2.0ml Deep-well
HiberGene Diagnostics HG Swift 8 x 0.2ml
HLC HBT 130-2 24 x 1.5ml
HLC HBT-2 132 24 x 2.0ml
HLC by DITABIS Heating Thermomixer MHR 13 96 x 0.2ml
HLC by DITABIS Heating Thermomixer MHR 23 24 x 2ml
Hongshi SLAN 48P Real-Time PCR System 48 x 0.2ml
Hongshi SLAN 96P Real-Time PCR System 48 x 0.2ml
Hongshi SLAN 96S Real-Time PCR System 96 x 0.2ml
IKA Dry Block Heater 1 20 x 2ml (DB 1.4)
Illumina Eco Real-Time PCR System 48 x 25µl
Infinigen Biotechnology Inc. AgileCycler COLOR Touch Thermal Cycler (H-Type) 96 x 0.2ml
Infinigen Biotechnology Inc. AgileCycler COLOR Touch Thermal Cycler (M-Type) 96 x 0.2ml
INHECO Heater Olly 96 96 x 0.2ml
INHECO ODTC® 96 96 x 0.2ml
INHECO Teleshake 95 96 x 0.2ml
inno-train Diagnostik GmbH FluoQube 96 x 0.2ml
IT-IS International Ltd. MyGo Pro 32 wells LP (4 x 8 )
Ivema Desarrolos T-17 50-36 36 x 0.5ml
Ivema Desarrolos T-17 50-36 50 x 0.2ml
Ivema Desarrolos T-18 50-36 36 x 0.5ml
Ivema Desarrolos T-18 50-36 50 x 0.2ml
Kisker - Biotech Thermo-Shaker TS-100 L056-24-2.0 24 x 2ml
K-MAC K-Qube Real-Time PCR system 96 x 0.2ml
Kyratec SuperCycler 96 x 0.2ml
Lab-Line Instruments Multi Block Heater 20 x 1.5ml
Lab-Line Instruments Multi Block Heater 20 x 2ml
Lab-Line Instruments Programmable Thermal Block 30-48 30 x 0.5ml
Lab-Line Instruments Programmable Thermal Block 30-48 48 x 0.2ml
Lab-Line Instruments Programmable Thermal Block 60 x 0.5ml
Lab-Line Instruments Programmable Thermal Block 96 x 0.2ml
Labnet D200 20 x 1.5ml
Labnet D200 24 x 0.5ml
Labnet MultiGene™ II 16 Personal Thermal Cycler 16 x 0.5ml
Labnet MultiGene™ II 25 Personal Thermal Cycler 25 x 0.2ml
Labnet MultiGene™ Mini Personal Thermal Cycler 18 x 0.5ml
Labnet MultiGene™ Mini Personal Thermal Cycler 24 x 0.2ml
Labnet MultiGene™ OptiMax Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
Labnet MultiGene™ Thermal Cycler Gradient TC9600-G 96 x 0.2ml
Labnet MultiGene™ Thermal Cycler TC9600 96 x 0.2ml
Labnet International, Inc. AccuBlock Digital Dry Bath 24 x 1.5ml
Labnet International, Inc. Accublock™ Mini Digital Dry Bath 12 x 1.5ml
Labnet International, Inc. AccuTherm Shaking Incubator 40 x 1.5ml
Landgraf Varius M 96 x 0.2ml
Landgraf Varius V 45 9 x 0.5ml
Landgraf Varius V 80 16 x 0.2ml
LBX Instruments HDB120 96 x 0.2ml
LGG Labware LGG-uni THERMIX 1 pro 24 x 0.5ml
LGG Labware LGG-uni THERMIX 1 pro 24 x 1.5ml
LGG Labware LGG-uni THERMIX 1 pro 24 x 2 ml
Loccus TC-600 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. A100 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. A200 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. A200 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. A300 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Gradient PCR 108 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Gradient PCR 48 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Gradient PCR 48 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Gradient PCR 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Gradient PCR 88 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Gradient PCR 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. L Series 48+ 48 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. L Series 48+ 48 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. L Series 48G 48 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. L Series 48G 48 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. L Series 96+ 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. L Series 96+ 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. L Series 96G 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. L Series 96G 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Multi-Purpose PCR 96+/Y 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Multi-Purpose PCR 96+/Y 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Multi-Purpose PCR 96G/Y 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Multi-Purpose PCR 96G/Y 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Multi-Purpose PCR L96+/Y 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Multi-Purpose PCR L96+/Y 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Multi-Purpose PCR L96G/Y 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. Multi-Purpose PCR L96G/Y 96 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 108 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 16 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 25 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 384-wells
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 48 x 0.2ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 48 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 77 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 88 x 0.5ml
LongGene Scientific Instruments Co.,Ltd. MyGeneTM PCR 96 x 0.2ml
Major Science CM-MD-MINI-002 12 x 1.5ml
Major Science MD-01N 20 x 1.5ml
Major Science MD-01N 96 x 0.2ml
Major Science MD-02N 20 x 1.5ml
MJ Research Inc. Opticon 2 System 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. Opticon System 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-100 60 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-100 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-100 96 x 0.2ml AgV
MJ Research Inc. PTC-150 MiniCycler 16 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-150 MiniCycler 25 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine 30-48 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine 30-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine 96v Moto Alpha Unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-200 DNA Engine Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad 30-48 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad 30-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad 96v Moto Alpha Unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-220 DNA Engine Dyad Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple 30-48 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple 30-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple 96v Moto Alpha Unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-221 DNA Engine Disciple Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad 30-48 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad 30-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad 96v Moto Alpha Unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-225 DNA Engine Tetrad Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 30-30 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 30-48 Alpha unit 30 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 30-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 384 Alpha unit 384 microplate
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 48-48 Alpha unit 48 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 60 Alpha unit 60 x 0.5ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 96v Alpha unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 96v Moto Alpha Unit 96 x 0.2ml
MJ Research Inc. PTC-240 DNA Engine Tetrad 2 Chromo4 96 x 0.2ml
MWG-Biotech Primus 96 Advanced 96 x 0.2ml
MWG-Biotech Primus 96 Plus 96 x 0.2ml
MWG-Biotech Primus Dualblock PCR-System 384 microplate
MWG-Biotech Primus Dualblock PCR-System 96 x 0.2ml
MWG-Biotech Primus HT Multiblock PCR-System 384 microplate
MWG-Biotech Primus HT Multiblock PCR-System 96 x 0.2ml
MWG-Biotech Primus PCR-System 25-13 13 x 0.5ml
MWG-Biotech Primus PCR-System 25-13 25 x 0.2ml
MWG-Biotech Primus PCR-System 384 microplate
MWG-Biotech Primus PCR-System 96 x 0.2ml
Neogen ANSR® 2 Block System 16 x 0.2ml
OHAUS Corporation HB2DGHL 96 x 0.2ml
OHAUS Corporation HB4DG 20 x 1.5ml
OHAUS Corporation HB4DG 20 x 2ml
Oncor Crocodile 96 x 0.2ml
OptiGene Limited Genie® II 8 x 0.2ml
OptiGene Limited Genie® III 8 x 0.2ml
PCRMax AlphaCycler AC-1 384-well
PCRMax AlphaCycler AC-1 96 x 0.2ml
PCRMax AlphaCycler AC-2 384-well
PCRMax AlphaCycler AC-2 96 x 0.2ml
PCRMax AlphaCycler AC-4 384-well
PCRMax AlphaCycler AC-4 96 x 0.2ml
PentaBase BaseTyper 48.4 48 x 0.2ml
Peqlab Cyclone 25 20 x 0.5ml
Peqlab Cyclone Gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab HX-1 24 x 1.5ml
Peqlab HX-2 24 x 1.5ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 2X 24 x 0.5ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 2X 48 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 384 ML 384 microplate
Peqlab peqSTAR 384 MPL 384 microplate
Peqlab peqSTAR 96 HPL 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 96 ML 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 96 Universal 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 96 Universal Gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 96Q 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 96X HPL 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 96X HPL Gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 96X Universal 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR 96X Universal Gradient 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab peqSTAR XS Universal 32 x 0.2 ml
Peqlab Primus 25 Advanced 25-13 13 x 0.5ml
Peqlab Primus 25 Advanced 25-13 25 x 0.2ml
Peqlab Primus 96 Advanced 384 microplate
Peqlab Primus 96 Advanced 96-77 77 x 0.5ml
Peqlab Primus 96 Advanced 96-77 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab Primus 96 Advanced HPL 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab Primus 96 Advanced HT2X 384 microplate
Peqlab Primus 96 Advanced HT2X 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab Primus 96 Advanced HT4X 384 microplate
Peqlab Primus 96 Advanced HT4X 96 x 0.2ml
Peqlab Thermo-Shaker TS-100 20 x 1.5ml
Pierce Reacti-Therm III heating Module 13 x 3ml
Pierce Reacti-Therm III heating Module 8 x 10ml
Pierce Reacti-Therm III heating Module 9 x 5ml
Precision System Science Co., Ltd. geneLEAD XII plus 12 x 0.2ml
Precision System Science Co., Ltd. geneLead™ I Default
ProGen Thermal Cycler 60 x 0.5ml
ProGen Thermal Cycler 96 x 0.2ml
PTI FluoDia T70 96-wells
Qiagen QIAamplifier 96 x 0.2ml
Qiagen QIAquant 384 5plex 384 microplate
Qiagen QIAquant 96 2plex 96 x 0.2ml